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Nonverbal, Speech Delayed and Autism Visual Communication Starter Kit for Children with Special Needs


Communication Board and the visual images within the binderAutism Preschool Visual Communication Aid Starter Kit for Special Education

The Communication Visual Aid Starter Kit is a Printable Downloadable Resource and very easy to self-assemble. Start now and create the foundation of communication for your child at home or within the classroom. You will receive access to the Communication Binder that includes early education resources. The Communitions one-page visual aid chart as a readily assessable communication resource for your nonverbal, speech delay and/or Autistic child.

Lastly, you will receive 51 communication cards that are the exact same images as your communication chart. The cards can be personalized by you for your child’s specific needs and used on the go. The chart can be placed in the home or classroom.

Autism Visual Communication Aid for Special Education

Autism Visual Communication Starter Kit for kids creates a communication outlet for children who are, speech delayed and nonverbal. The Visual Communication Chart is a One Stop Page with all necessary wants and needs of a child.

The Communication Board will help you better understand your child or students by offering visuals he or she mostly see, want, need and require on a day-to-day basis. Communication Charts encourage the development of speech with verbal repetition of the images/visuals and also Language Development by pointing and utilizing sign language.

Autism Pointing Strategies

Understand Autism Within Your Child

This Visual Communication Chart is designed to:

#1 Meet your Child’s Emotional Needs
#2 Identify and Manage Triggers
#3 Prioritize Activities of Daily Living
#4 Communicate Wants and Needs
#5 Prevent Behaviors

Also, the basics of meeting a child’s needs who is on the Spectrum with communication barriers and SPD!

51 Picture Cards Created for Nonverbal, Speech Delayed and Autistic Children

The visual communication cards meet the specific needs of the child. Each picture card is designed to help your child express his or her needs, wants, desires, a few places and things typically used daily. You have 51 cards in this set. You may use all 51 on a wristlet, neck tassel, and so forth. You may also select and customize your wristlet or tassel with the cards your child needs.

Download, Print on Cardstock Paper and Laminate!!!

Your child may use the Visual Communication Chart at home as an assistive device to communicate his or her wants and needs. The Speech and Language Communication Board was initially created for my 4-year-old daughter. I then went on the replicated the images to create a full Preschooler Communication Start Kit. She has Autism, SPD and a Speech Delay.

She is also a Super Awesome SuperKid!!! I gave the more realistic Communication Board to her PreK 4 Teacher because my daughter was having a hard time communicating her needs and wants at the beginning of her PreK 4 school year.

She began to elope due to overstimulation of the loud cafeteria, had classroom behaviors due to lack of understanding from both child and teacher. This was also a major transition from PreK 3 to PreK 4 for her. Some new students, new routine and schedule.

In PreK 3 she didn’t eat in the cafeteria, however in PreK 4 she was required to eat in the cafeteria and that’s where she began to elope. 🤯 Me remembering the Social Worker catching her outside the school building, held her as my daughter was holding her ears saying, “too loud” and “home”.

Long story short, I immediately created this communication chart (the realistic one) and gave it to her teacher. My daughter was able to point to the (home) and the (too loud) images confirming the cafeteria was too loud/overstimulating and she wants to go home. She and others now eat in the classroom as the year before. I went on to create the clip art Communication Chart which matches the images of the Realistic Communication Visual Board. What an amazing Communication Resource I must say!!! I am Truly honored to share our story and resources with you!

Who are Communication Visuals for?

Communication Aids are for Children with Special Needs, Speech Delays, Nonverbal Children, Children with Autism and even Early Learners!!!

Where can I use my Communication Visual Starter Kit?

You can use your Communication Kit at home, in the classroom, at the store, in the car, and in any environment.

I hope you find great purpose in these cards and please add more images your like to see via Facebook message. I will be delighted to reach 100 universal cards and meet the specific preference and needs of our children!!!

Individually Sold
Cartoon Communication Chart

Realist Communication Chart

Both Communication Chart Cartoon and Realist

51 Communication Cards

Parents, Educators, Families and Friends
Share your story or interaction with the Communication Starter Kit, we will love to see it in action! 🤍


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