
51 Communication Visual Aid for Nonverbal and Speech Delayed Kids | Best One-Page Autism Communication Chart for Kids


Best Autism Communication Board Special Needs Children

The Best Autism Visual Communication Chart creates a communication outlet for children who are speech delayed and nonverbal. The Visual Communication Chart is a One Stop Page with all the necessary wants and needs of a child included. The Communication Board will help you better understand your child or students by offering visuals he or she mostly see, want, need and require on a day-to-day basis. Communication Charts encourage the development of speech with verbal repetition of the images/visuals and also Language Development by pointing and utilizing sign language.

Communication Charts encourage the development of speech with verbal repetition of the images/visuals and also Language Development by pointing and utilizing sign language.

If you’re a parent or educator in need of a quick and easy communication aid that is readily available to help assist children with expression and communication, the 51 Visual Communication Chart will be perfect for you both!!! 

Visual Communication Board for Kids includes 2 pages that are 11×8.5 Communication Sheets. A Realistic Communication Chart and a Clip Art Chart that Matches the Realistic Visual Communication Board.
Download, Print on Cardstock Paper and Laminate!!!

The Communication Board have 4 Color Coded Rows:

The 4 Color Coded Rows offer and encourage communication development, list activities of daily living, common triggers and sensory soothers.

1st Yellow Row Displays

6 Emotions/Expressions with two Action Faces. One of a child screaming which can indicate the child needs to scream. The second visual is a child holding his ear indication that something is too loud.

2nd Green Communication Row Includes

12 Activities of Daily Living you will use by asking Are You? /Do You? Or possibly the child may request the image by pointing/signing the desirable visual. Activities of Daily Living are all the things needed and required for your child to thrive daily.

3rd Blue Communication Row Includes

A “Yes” and “No” visual also a “Stop” and “Go” Visual that are used for general questions and answers. Plus, the 11 visuals for communicating the child’s wants and needs.

4th Red Communication Row Offers

16 visuals of “All Things Sensory.” The Red Communication Row will help manage behaviors and soothe sensory needs.

The One Page Visual Aid Communication Visual Chart is designed to:

  • Meet your Child’s Emotional Needs
  • Identify and Manage Triggers
  • Target Activities of Daily Living
  • Communicate Wants and Needs
  • Prevent Behaviors
  • Assist with Transitions

Here are the best strategies to teach your child how to learn All things and Anything. Your child will receive a ton of repetition that will encourage them to memorize, understand, recognize and identify. Here’s my Secret Teaching Formula with a ton of Repetition!!!


Communication development is learned by your child with frequent repetition of hearing and seeing what is being said. So, your child will frequently see images/objects, people, words and hear the description of each being voiced, pointed to or signed for.

You will show your child an image, object, person, etc., by pointing and saying the word (you are implementing the Show and Tell Method).  The Show and Tell Method helps children with developmental delays and disabilities to understand and learn the appropriate use of words.  In return, your child will use pointing to communicate his or her needs and wants.


Pointing is a great form of communication and is typically the go-to method for toddlers. Pointing can be a skill for late talkers, special needs children, and is used by children on the Autism Spectrum. You can voice a sound or word from the Chart and encourage your little one to point to the image. Sometimes pointing assistance may be necessary. Encourage your child to use his or her little pointer and guide their finger to the image.


Children learn best by modeling what he or she sees. By you frequently pointing and vocalizing what’s being pointed to will encourage your child to do the same. However, you may need to assist with demonstration (assist with pointing) by creating a pointer using your child’s index finger. Point to the image/object, person place, etc. and say its description.


SuperKidsInfinity Teaching Resources

Are your looking for fun teaching resource that follow the above strategies. If so, you can implement these strategies to teach special needs children basic learning skills. Our Learning Binder is a Great starting point!!!

Communication Development and Communication Visual Aid


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